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1 -ийн 1


LashFree Adhesive Remover

LashFree Adhesive Remover

14,900 MNT
14,900 MNT
Хямдралтай Дууссан

Хэмжээ 5мл / Суулгадаг сормуус салгагч

A formula that dissolves lash adhesive for safe and pain-free individual false lash removal.

Ideal for the individual lash wearer, Lashfree Remover works to gently dissolve the adhesive attaching the fibres to the lash-line for safe and easy removal.

Хэрэглэх заавар:

  • Wipe over the lashes.
  • Wait until the adhesive dissolves and the lashes slide off before removing.




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